Today i choose topic migration to discuss at blogger platform.
migration is started at starting age but at that time reason of migration are different. but current scenario migration is trends to job. but in earlier time its may be survival of culture and natural disasters. one of the more important reason is unemployment. our government firstly design cause and then diluting problem for short periods if we talking about root cause of migration then we move to education system. where we are trending to creation of clerks. according to lord mackley theory. and another problem i think reason behind migration is diluting education system. its a reason of generating big problem like unemployment, depression, health problem like one of most important is laziness. I know that is not a health problem but it is cause of all the problems.
at curret scenario migration depends upon employment. people are traveling one place to another for a job we commonly called METRO city. metro are designed by government for government comfort neta's are not move more place to work and gather more commission easily.
if we really talk about two main problem migration and unemployment than firstly change one system that i think is Education System. Education must be hard, strict and job oriented. one more think i also think to improve that is thinking behind work not to work as a hard Donkey but as a service. if you work on a mode of service than you never think about money. supreme power can take care you. if you want to work as a donkey than your master put greedy (carrot) in front of you. you few step more you got a carrot but whole life is completed but you are unavailble to got that fruity carrots. life trend to completeness your dreams. if you achieve than you happy for few minutes and lost more than you achieve.
at a mode of service you got pleasure time to time and excited more to perform task easy and comfort more.
migration and unemployments are two major problem of government desison making or we can say policy making.
every one can decide its own dreams and sets its own goal so "learn for knowledge not for degree "
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